Sunday, September 19, 2021

How to Kill Stress During the Pandemic

Bored staying home or having nothing to do during the contagion? Here's something that can chill you out and annihilate your boredom! 

Get a Big Bike or Dual-sport bike/Supermoto

Why would you need such a motorcycle just to have fun seeing the beauty of natural places? The answer is pretty simple! Most natural places lie far from the city, making it hard to come by for relaxing! 

First, as you have your big motorcycle, you can freely go to your favorite natural places or wherever you want to go.  If you can find a great spot for your relaxation after your stressful days at work, I'm sure you will enjoy this experience as much as I do. 

It's like rambling around the whole place or the whole country if you believe that it does bring you joy and happiness in life. The nature of our world is beautiful that it will make you feel unforgettable once you've come to the right place at the right time. 

Of course, most places require its season to be beautiful. For example, in paddy fields or mountainous areas, they usually look exquisite in green, especially during the rainy season. That's my picture taken at one of the most beautiful paddy fields in Kompong Cham, Cambodia. I usually come to this place during the rainy season, but not while it's raining. 

As you can see, this view at this place is stunning!

Well, I hope this can find your favorite spot you to ease your mind!

Have a nice day! 🤟

Stay safe!

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